About EBIS

EBIS is a Renewable Energy company that combines industry expertise with the very latest green technologies.


Specialising in the production, storage, and utilisation of Green Energy, EBIS provides expert advice and bespoke solutions to deliver the high-quality and cost-effective outcomes our clients need in a volatile energy environment.


EBIS possesses decades of experience in securing successful results in every corner of the world. Across multiple energy generation sectors and markets, EBIS knows the importance of clear information, actionable insight, and results-focused strategies in electrical operation consumption.


EBIS helps clients action their Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) targets, stimulating commercial energy saving, to improve the balance sheet and achieve Net Zero 2030 legal requirements.


To reduce clients’ costs, EBIS alleviates financial uncertainty through innovative finance solutions, helping to reduce or eliminate any capital expenditure. With our two-way grid connectivity, we make our clients energy work harder for them, so they can sell a percentage of their excess energy to the grid.


Working around the world on projects from social housing to large scale solar farms, EBIS partners with Local Authorities, business owners, landowners, and Housing Associations.


EBIS operates with a team of international, multi-lingual staff, utilising the latest cutting-edge technology. We offer a proven methodology for problem-solving and integrated Hybrid Energy Management Technologies.

How We Are Tackling the UK Energy Crisis

The UK is currently in the middle of an energy crisis, which is the key driver of the cost-of-living crisis now hitting households and businesses.


EBIS is dedicated to tackling the challenges facing the UK energy crisis today.

Who We Can Help


  • Culture, Hospitality and Sports
  • Commercial
  • Education and Learning
  • Housing and Regeneration
  • Healthcare
  • Agricultural, Industrial and Manufacturing
  • Local and Central Government
  • Retail
  • Technology and Data Centres
  • Transport





  • Business parks
  • Industrial parks
  • Leisure centres
  • Motorway services
  • New/existing housing
  • NHS Trust Estates
  • Railway stations
  • Retail parks
  • Schools
  • Stadiums
  • Supermarkets
  • Warehouses/sheds

5 Steps To Cut Your Bills

To reduce your energy costs by 40%-50% and help achieve UK wide Net Zero by 2030, EBIS follows 5 steps when seeking to decarbonise commercial and industrial sectors.

Step 1

EBIS works with you to design your solar and battery solution.

Step 2

EBIS provides a finance solution tailored to your business needs.

Step 3

EBIS supplies and installs your chosen solar and battery solution.

Step 4

The EBIS AI-powered  energy management system keeps things working to optimum efficiency.

Step 5

EBIS provides continuous maintenance, support and training.


© EBIS GB Holdings Limited 2024  
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