Our Solutions

EBIS is the best choice to reduce your energy bills

  • Renewable energy produced at source
  • Help to meet Net Zero 2030 targets and improve EPC
  • Reduced dependency on the grid
  • Technological innovation pioneering new solutions
  • “Built Around You” bespoke commercial solutions
  • Bespoke Asset Finance solutions
  • Partnerships with both with tier 1 and tier 2 companies
  • Audited supply chains
  • Insurance guarantees
  • In-house training and development schools
  • Certified MCS installers and kit
  • Continuous monitoring and maintenance

Community Hub Energy Solutions

EBIS combines environmental responsibility with innovations in engineering and technology to maximise energy efficiency and cost savings.


In housing clusters of ‘000+ homes EBIS can add an in a additional storage battery for further flexibility.


EBIS’s Community Hub Energy Solution connects a large central battery at the centre of the community. Excess energy from individual homes is transitioned to the large storage battery. This allows a local contingency to provide local, non-grid sourced energy at the lower EBIS rate.

Commercial Energy Solutions

EBIS will work with businesses to utilise their building’s roof space to reduce energy bills and provide a green, sustainable business.


Businesses consume a large amount of electricity in their operations, consequently, resulting in high energy bills. Turning the buildings, for example, large sheds, warehouses, office blocks, or multiple smaller buildings roofs into power generation solutions that can significantly reduce energy costs. Businesses will be able to operate larger battery storage solutions to meet their operational energy requirements. 


EBIS can provide tailored funding solutions to accommodate the larger solution. Covering CapEx of £100,000 to £30million. EBIS’s Energy Management Solution can determine when high demand periods, for example operational hours of the business, are for greater energy efficiency.

Power Purchase Agreements

EBIS offers Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), long-term electrical supply agreements between an energy provider and domestic, commercial and industrial customers.


Bespoke PPAs vary depending on:

  • kWh produced and required
  • Where the energy is coming from (on-site or off-site)
  • Market price per kWh
  • Total cost of project

As an example, a customer could pay 25p per kWh for electric generated from solar, compared to paying 50p to 80p per kWh from the grid. 

PPAs allow customers to have systems installed for no upfront cost, instead it is spread out over the contract period as a “lease”. 

In some cases, pending clients financial standing, we are able to offer asset finance solutions.


EBIS offers funding solutions for CapEx from £100,000 to £30 million, subject to EBIS Terms & Conditions.


EBIS strongly believes that for our solution to truly represent “Reimagine Energy in Communities” and support in reaching Net Zero by 2030, there needs to be a robust recycling scheme in place when systems come to the end of their lifecycle. 


EBIS is working closely with its manufacturing partners to return used batteries and electrical and PV panels to their recycling facilities. Using a state of the art 12 stage process, this allows us to break down the individual materials and reused in future batteries, or the entire battery reused in a large battery system, or used in the production of other green assets.


EBIS’s partner’s recycling solutions also:

  • Run at a lower energy cost
  • Produce less Green House Gas Emissions than other recycling methods
  • Recovers all materials in the form needed to reuse at the end of the process, so no further treatment is needed
  • Produces significantly less toxic waste than other recycling methods


EBIS will in time be running audits of carbon saved as a result of its recycling processes.


© EBIS GB Holdings Limited 2024  
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